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Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Mayor Reaction

Credit: WCBI
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Mayor Reaction
Mayor Reaction

Business and political leaders from across North Mississippi are reacting to the governor's decision to extend his shelter in place order for one more week.

Business and political leaders from across north mississippi are reacting to the governor's decision to extend his shelter in place order for one more week.

Allie martin has more from two counties in the region.

The coronavirus may have shuttered some businesses in houston nats but work is underway on new sidewalks and lighting on the square.

Sean johnson is executive director of the chickasaw development foundation.

He believes work on the beautification project is a visible sign that the city will see a rebound after the shelter in place order is lifted and people get safely back to work.

"everybody needs to stay safe, we need to make sure our hospitals are overrun with cases they can't handle, but this thing will end , it will end at some point and we're going to be prepared for a great time when it does."

Houston has a series of concerts planned for the summer after winning a "leavitt amp" to promote outdoor music.

The first few concerts may have to be rescheduled, but mayor stacey parker says the public's safety is paramount.

Parker also owns a funeral home, so he believes the extension of the shelter in place order is wise.

"i pray we don't rush into something from an economic standpoint, nothing against our businesses actually shutdown, i think they've been taking it to heed, they are trying to do the right things too."

The city of tupelo was among the first in the state to have restrictions on businesses and public gatherings to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Mayor jason shelton is hopeful people will keep safety a priority, once the shelter in place order expires.

"my fear is that as soon as we reopen the economy we will see a spike, i think that will happen but hopefully it won't be all that bad, hopefully people will continue to be mindful of social distancing, i know a lot of places will require masks."

Standup close the governor's order allows so called non essential businesses to offer curbside , delivery or drive through sales.

The order also opens lakes and beaches as long as social distancing rules are enforced.

In tupelo, allie martin, wcbi news the april 27th target date to lift mississippi's shelter in place order comes a few days before the may first target date set by president trump to start re-opening the national economy.

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