Emergency response drone
Emergency response drone

Emergency response drone.

TUDelft created the drone to help cardiac arrest patients it has an integrated defibrillator.

The drone heads to a location as soon as emergency response is contacted.

It has a top speed of 62 mph.

The emergency dispatch team can communicate through the drone.

In order to help the person assisting the cardiac arrest patient.

The drone is equipped with a camera so the dispatch team can see what’s gonig on.

The dispatch team can remotely initiate the current for the defibrillator.

TUDeflt plans to expand applications for its drone in the future.

Including emergency response assistance for respiratory issues, trauma cases, and more.The Delft University of Technology developed an emergency response drone that reaches someone in need with speeds reaching 62 mph.

The ambulance drone would communicate with someone near the patient to assist them with their emergency.

TUDelft developed the drone to shrink the time between an ambulance vehicle reaching the patient.

Once an ambulance vehicle has arrived EMT personal can assist the patient further.

TUDelft plans on future applications to assist in drowning, diabetes, respiratory issues, and traumas.

Learn more at tudelft.nl