Protest sites in Truro and Falmouth reviewed

Protest sites in Truro and Falmouth reviewed

Devon and Cornwall Police


Following concerns raised about the identified protest site in Truro for the G7 Summit, partner agencies have reviewed the information and identified an alternative site at Boscawen Park and Lemon Quay will no longer be used.

Some concerns around the Church Street Car Park site in Falmouth have been reviewed, and the space has been reduced to the lower car park and partners are exploring an additional site elsewhere. Details of this will be released early next week.

Superintendent Jo Hall of Devon & Cornwall Police said: “We are committed to working with partners, local communities and protest groups to ensure that people can exercise their right to peaceful protest in relation to the G7 Leader’s Summit in Cornwall next month.

“As part of the planning process, police and partner agencies identified a number of possible locations where protest could take place in a safe manner. In considering these locations, the impact on communities and businesses was a significant factor.

“The suitability of each location was considered by several agencies and we recognise the concerns that have been raised, specifically in relation to the farmers market in Truro.

“We have reviewed these locations with partners over the past week, as well as with the local community and identified protest groups, to recommend suitable sites which keep disruption to a minimum.

“We continue to work with many protest groups around facilitating peaceful and lawful protest.”

Cornwall Council Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods, Sophie Hosking, said: “We have worked closely with police colleagues and listened to community concerns when identifying a new site. It’s important that we strike the right balance between ensuring that protesters are able to gather safely and have their voices heard, and minimising disruption to residents.

“Cornwall Council is continuing to urge anyone organising a protest to contact us at so we can provide advice and guidance on how to do so safely and respectfully, and with the minimum impact on those living and working in the area.”

A Truro City Council spokesperson said: “Truro City Council is pleased that our concerns have been listened to and that Lemon Quay will not be the location for people to make peaceful protests and demonstrations.

“This will allow the farmers market to continue as planned and the city centre to operate normally. As one of the G7 topics is to create a greener future, it is far more appropriate for this to be undertaken peacefully at Boscawen Park.

“As the G7 is discussing caring for the planet, tackling climate change and creating a greener future we will ask all those demonstrating to be respectful of the park.”

--- Note to readers: This message has been disseminated by Devon and Cornwall Police - please visit their official website for further information.

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