Boston's Juniper Share Astute Alt-Pop Gem 'Distance Keeps Me Distant'



Bedroom pop meets a folk palette...

Boston trio *Juniper* return with new single ‘Distance Keeps Me Distant’ - tune in now.

The group combine their talents, making for an alt-pop brew that brings together varied, sometimes contradictory elements.

Yet that's why Juniper thrive - Apple Music's Zane Lowe is a fan, with their astute songwriting carrying a restrained melodic flair.

New single ‘Distance Keeps Me Distant’ is a neat summer-tinged jam, matching bedroom pop elements to subtle folk textures.

Deeply organic in tone, it's easy to see why Zane Lowe would fall for it; imagine Fleet Foxes crossed with Cavetown, say, and you'd be close.

Juniper say the single "is about the nature of relationships and how at our age, often it is the only source of life-altering experience. Whether it be a relationship with a romantic partner, family and friends, yourself, or the world around you, how we experience relationships has profound effects for growth."

"When COVID-19 changed the world, the nature of relationships changed with it. People were forced to be distant, and as a result of this 'new normal', people became complacent with being ~distant. It invited an excuse to stay in the house and to revel in alone-time. However, that changed us, maybe even just subconsciously, but there is a change."

The new single doubles as the title track of their new album, with the band adding: "These ten songs were written over the course of college and through the pandemic, and that progression is evident as the album flows onward. Even though the nature of relationships temporarily changed, perhaps it also made aware a reality that was already present. One thing is for certain, Distance Keeps Me Distant.”

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: *Hayley Bigness*

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