IGN & the Resident Evil Game that Must Be Shamed
IGN & the Resident Evil Game that Must Be Shamed

Basic arithmetic dictates that 3 comes after 2, 4 follows 3, 4 is proceeded by ?.

Welcome to IGN Mathematics.

So on top of Addition, this bastion of editorial excellence is also ill-informed when it comes to their Colors too since they only see the world in black and white.

What is their umbrage with a prospective Resident Evil 5 Remake?

The setting is black and the hero is white.

What peerless journalistic insight!

Well as always, Inkarnate has to crash the party and set the record straight.

Listen in as the Inkuisition takes IGN to task for their bad taste and poor takes and drops some critical thinking on the scene.

Teacher is present and class is in session.