Ep.383: Political-Psychological Dialectical Warfare, In An Age of Disinformation w/ Dr. Jerome Corsi
Ep.383: Political-Psychological Dialectical Warfare, In An Age of Disinformation w/ Dr. Jerome Corsi

Courtenay Turner invites Dr. Jerome Corsi to discuss his most recent and incredibly comprehensive book titled, “The Truth about Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation”.

His book covers the darkest of the philosophical history of western civilization that are inherently destructive to the free will of humanity.

This discussion uncovers the roots, trajectory and where it’s going if left unchecked.

One can’t defeat an enemy they don’t know exists nor understand.

Hopefully this will provide some clarity and a launching pad for further research.