Happy Hour Series - Eschatology: The Study of End Times with Dr. Justin Prock
Happy Hour Series - Eschatology: The Study of End Times with Dr. Justin Prock

In this four-part series on Eschatology we take a deep dive with expert researcher Dr. Justin Prock starting from the Adamic Race, the genealogy of Adam; how YAHWEH God set apart Israel as a peculiar nation and a nation above all other nations right through to the Davidic Line, the Division of the Kingdom of Israel into the two Houses: The House of Israel (10 Northern Tribes) and The House of Judah (2 Southern Tribes).

We continue through the Assyrian captivity (745-721 B.C.), specifically with regards to the House of Israel which brings us to who they are today and take a critically thinking approach to who the true descendants of the House of Israel are.