#105: Jenn Gets Ian In Trouble/Dude Impregnates 180 Women/Homeless Caves | 1.27.24
#105: Jenn Gets Ian In Trouble/Dude Impregnates 180 Women/Homeless Caves | 1.27.24

Today, we have quite a random show for you.

First, we discuss the fact that Jenn lacks the ability to realize how loud she is, and in turn, she gets Ian in trouble when in public.

In this instance, it involved a wizard in Target.

We also discuss horrible dental hygienists, a man who has impregnated 180 women, a new sweet job opening, Jenn’s interesting quirk with a certain food item jingle, homeless people found in 20 ft below ground caves, a pop up wedding at a coffee house that wasn’t scheduled, and a boyfriend that was busted for dressing as his girlfriend to take her test for her.

It might be random, but it won’t be dull that’s for sure.