The Ukraine Mafia + The Washington "Firm" + AMA | Sen. Lee, Robinson | LIVE 9.15.23
The Ukraine Mafia + The Washington "Firm" + AMA | Sen. Lee, Robinson | LIVE 9.15.23

How is Vladimir Zelensky like an abusive girlfriend?

And how is he like a Mafia don?

It turns out, both comparisons are more than fitting.

Charlie unpacks unbelievable recent statements out of Ukraine, where Zelensky's government is threatening to terrorize Europe and assassinate Americans if it doesn't keep getting its way.

Senator Mike Lee joins to discuss his viral Twitter thread attacking "The Firm," a D.C.

Uniparty operation that monopolizes control of the federal budget and prevents Republicans from ever actually cutting spending.

Calvin Robinson.

Plus, another hour where you can Ask Charlie Anything.