LOCKDOWN 2023 - DO NOT COMPLY.   with Dr. Peter McCullough
LOCKDOWN 2023 - DO NOT COMPLY. with Dr. Peter McCullough

These are strange times.

On top of massive so called "Wildfires", a former president facing prison time, it now looks like the globalists are bringing back Covid.

Global health authorities say they’re tracking three new COVID-19 variants, several Hollywood studios and a University all re-instituted mask mandates.

The rumor is that the full measure of lockdowns are returning in the coming months.

Joe Biden is encouraging Americans to again get boosters!

The Biden administration is prepping their agencies to enforce new lockdowns and COVID restrictions in the fall ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

This would in effect reinstitute universal mail-in ballots that installed Joe Biden into the White House 3 years ago.