N3 Prime Time: Unpacking The Top Stories For You
N3 Prime Time: Unpacking The Top Stories For You

Welcome to the latest edition of N3 Prime Time with your host, Gary Franchi!

Today, we dive deep into pressing topics that matter most to the American people.

From the bold moves in Congress concerning AR-15 taxation to the political waves Chris Christie's Ukraine visit has caused, we're addressing it all.

Plus, with revelations about Hunter Biden's foreign deals and Trump's scathing critique of Biden's economic policies, the political arena is more heated than ever.

Also, don't miss Angie's succinct news briefs, shedding light on underreported yet significant stories.

A huge shoutout to our sponsor Noble Gold Investments - considering the uncertain financial climate, they're offering a lifeline to our audience.

Join the conversation in the comments and on Twitter.

Remember, this isn't just news; it's about the future of our nation.