GraceTime TV LIVE: Hope for Healing from Covid Vaccine Injury
GraceTime TV LIVE: Hope for Healing from Covid Vaccine Injury

Join Mary Grace and guest Dr Tracey Stroup as they discuss the issues surrounding covid, long covid, vaccine injury and the options available to those who want to find hope and healing.

Tracey Stroup has a B.S.

In Exercise and Sport Science from the Pennsylvania State University.

She is a Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Natural Health Professional, a Level 2 Digestive Specialist, Master Herbalist, and an Aroma Therapist.

Tracey has been in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years.

She is a sought out clinician, speaker and presenter for medical freedom and educator for integrative and complementary care for medical professionals.

Tracey specializes in Post Covid/Jab Recovery protocols, chronic health issues, MTHFR mutation and biblical health.

Most importantly, Tracey is a wife, mom, and a lover of Jesus Christ.
