St. John's County (FL) School Board Meeting Re: Book Banning Bad Books Currently In Lib Circulation
St. John's County (FL) School Board Meeting Re: Book Banning Bad Books Currently In Lib Circulation

Ms. Moore, a parent of children in the St.

John's County school district reads explicit content in excerpts from the following books circulating in the county school libraries: A Court of Frost and Starlight, The Bluest Eye, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Lucky, Sold, 13 Reasons Why, The Breakaways, and This Book Is Anti-Racist.

Clearly, the school board takes no accountability for why and how these books even ended up in school library catalogs, and leave it up to parents to battle with individual schools.

While many of these books may wield the New York Times #1 Bestseller sticker, it doesn't give the authors and schools a rubber stamp for them to belong in the hands of our young children.

Parents deserve to know when their children are reading these books at schools and also when they check them out.

If the schools can't adequately provide parents these functions, the schools need to adopt better systems and/or restrict these books from the children.

They are still our children aren't they?