Things To Negotiate for Besides Salary in a Job Interview
Things To Negotiate for Besides Salary in a Job Interview

Things To Negotiate for Besides Salary , in a Job Interview.

When considering job offers, money is typically the driving factor for most people.

But other perks may be just as important.

Here are some things you should be negotiating for in your next job interview:.


Working too much can cause burnout and unhappiness.

The company you work for should value your mental well-being.

After you’ve been declined for your efforts in negotiating a higher salary... , Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'.’s always good to transition into asking them to reexamine some more ‘soft’ benefits, like vacation time.

, Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'.

Work From Home.

Experts say there is no harm in negotiating for hybrid or remote work.

Do your research and [find out] whether remote work existed at all as part of the company’s dealings with workers pre-pandemic.

, Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'.

Prepare to explain how your remote or hybrid working will translate into benefits for them.

, Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'.

Flex Schedule.

Instead of being caged by a 9 to 5 schedule, try negotiating for some flex time.

A traditional workweek is antiquated; it just won't work in 2022.

, Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'.

A lot of companies are also experimenting with a four-day workweek now, so it’s reasonable to see if that’s an option.

, Ashley Stahl, career expert at SoFi, via 'PureWow'