Ep. 5 New Jewish Pro-Life Show
Ep. 5 New Jewish Pro-Life Show

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) have been attacking common sense life protections for unborn children and their moms in a pro-life bill in the Kentucky house.

We share an opinion piece written by a NCJW state lobbyist published in the Courier Journal.

The distorted lies and propaganda in this opinion piece were repeated in house debate, so we reached out to the sponsor of the bill and the director of Kentucky Right to Life to offer our educational materials to help them respond to Jewish pro-abortion attacks on life and representatives in the house.

During the episode, we share Bonnie Chernin's rebuttal published in Renew America (her submission to the Courier Journal was declined.) We also share the letter that the JPLF created to submit to the Journal; however, after learning that the editor has a history of declining pro-life pieces and submissions by out or state authors, we sent the letter to Kentucky Right to Life to educate Assembly members and to submit to the Journal, if possible.