Ed Calderon: México Has Become Proxy Battleground in New Cold War
Ed Calderon: México Has Become Proxy Battleground in New Cold War

Former Mexican police officer and security specialist Ed Calderon discusses the drug war in México and how it's strategic location lends itself to continual interventions by the United States (e.g.

Mexican presidents as CIA assets).

He sees cartel power structures rising up in México and organizing themselves into federations, with some being funded by foreign governments (e.g.

China, USA).

He thinks America's influence is declining, especially in México, where China is making inroads (illegally mining iron ore).

Lithium is playing an increasing factor.

México has become a proxy battleground in the New Cold War.

He doesn't think cartels will be classified as terrorists, though that's what they are by definition.

We are living through one of the most violent presidencies.

The true power in México is in the military, who runs policy at a deep level.

He gives his thoughts on the culture war, expatriation, and how Americans are causing violence in México by bringing their drug habits with them.

He gives his take on the Ukraine conflict and points out how during the first 72 hours of the Ukraine conflict, México still outperformed in terms of death.

He leaves us with some tips on surviving the road ahead.