Taking 8,000 Steps a Day Can Extend Your Life, Research Says
Taking 8,000 Steps a Day Can Extend Your Life, Research Says

Taking 8,000 Steps a Day Can Extend Your Life, Research Says The study can be found in the 'Journal of the American Medical Association.'

It was conducted by the National Institute on Aging, the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Nearly 4,900 U.S. adults 40 years of age and older were used in the 10-year study.

The subjects wore a device which tracked how many steps they took each day.

Compared to people who take 4,000 steps on a daily basis, those who do double that amount are 50 percent less likely to die of health conditions in the following decade.

12,000 steps a day will increase those odds up to 65 percent.

According to the study, 1,165 people died over the decade-long period.

It adds that gender, race and age were not a factor in the death rate.