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Friday, 14 June 2024

Urban Council news at 6pm

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Urban Council news at 6pm
Urban Council news at 6pm
Austin Miller in studio at 6p

At six.

The urban council's has already unanimously passed a resolution reaffirming its commitment to addressing racism and injustice in the community.

Now...those words will turn to action with tuesday's special meeting.

James brown trt-06 "the streets are talking, people in our community are talking, and we all should be listening."

The listening and action starts on tuesday..

As lexington's urban council reviews lpd's police policies..

Collective bargaining agreement..

No knock warrants..

And any potential answers to help build community trust with law enforcement.

Steve kay "i think all options are on the table.

What we wanted to do tomorrow was give the people who are most in a position to understand what our options are, to explain those to council."

The special meeting will go from 1-3 pm.

If there's time available..

They will open it for public comment.

Tuesday's meeting will also schedule a date for an additional meeting..

Focused solely on public feedback and comment.

Both meetings will stream online to allow people to speak and be heard better.

"if we were doing it in the chamber, i would have some concern about folks not having the opportunity to speak.

I think via zoom, we'll be able to control the conversation a little more, but not in a way we muffle voices, but allow voices to be heard."

By opening the meetings to discussion..

The urban council wants to learn what ways they can bring change..

And also educate the public on how they can bring about it.

"there are some things that we know we can do locally.

There's some things we know we can't do locally, but it's never been explained.

I think there's a lot of confusion in the community about what we can and cannot do."

In a statement during monday's press conference..

Urban council was reaffirmed that their job is to represent the community..

To listen..

Understand and to take actions when needed.

For up-to-date information on tuesday's 'live' stream,, head over to our in studio, austin miller, abc 36.

After there

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