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Friday, 7 June 2024

twitter caden stone 1

Credit: KQTV
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twitter caden stone 1
twitter caden stone 1
twitter caden stone 1

Okay well we are joined your with Kaden Stone vs Benton quarterback here going to go play college football in the fall that ruse a thank you for taking some time with me I just want to talk to you about your football season as you are now moving on into the college ranks I got a really good senior season and really Junior season as well take me through some of your favorite memories of high school football in, what you were able to establish their for the Benton football program I think towards the end I think me and like all the other seniors were just try to rally everyone together and make sure they're good to go and I think you try to get everyone on the same and try to say thank the same stuff and maybe one of the highlights of a view of my high school career I think was last seen your night is falling season or this past season than that I think we had some Mike trials and tribulations come out to that point I think that can we have this all the time gel in Lincolnshire the outcome what are some of the restrictions been like for you and as far as your training what you have to do to kind of get yourself ready to find around the house it's been mostly the mental process just like studying a perm last season and try to see what I can improve on but yeah we got a lot of field work done trying to go there at least two or three days a week or the coaches told me to be ready so hopefully hopefully I'll be able to play this year I'm trying to I'm trying to be the guy this year so hopefully that pays off try to put some weight on and I'm just ready to get up there and is everyone up there what have you done in talking with your friends and things like that kind of keep keep things going down in the South Side little bit it's going to end up eventually pass so just try to better yourself mentally and physically of your college career and we look forward to seeing you soon thanks like Aid

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