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Sunday, 16 June 2024

Back to school for kids in Australia's most populous state

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Back to school for kids in Australia's most populous state
Back to school for kids in Australia's most populous state

At the Homebush West Public School in Sydney, Australia, teachers welcomed eager students back to full-time, in-person learning on Monday, as the country begins reopening its schools in stages.

Gloria Tso has more.

Wearing their best smiles and school uniforms, kids in Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, were eager to return to a regular school week on Monday (May 25).

At the Homebush West Public School in Sydney, teachers welcomed students back to full-time, in-person learning, as the country works to reopen its schools in stages.

Parents like Clayton Buffoni expressed their relief.

"Pros and cons, it's been fantastic having time with him and he's been really good at learning at home but having that connection with his classmates and stuff is so important to him.

So it makes a big difference to get him back but it's been really good actually." Reopening schools is central to reviving Australia's economy.

But even as kids go back to school full-time, Australian lawmakers are urging parents to continue working from home.

It won't be business as usual for the kids either.

On Monday students gathered to talk about how they were feeling, being back at school after weeks stuck at home.

Homebush Principal Estelle Southall explains.

"It's a moment in time that we won't forget, to have all our students and staff back on campus is really a great feeling.

We are really positive about the day and we are looking forward to normalising our students' feelings, helping them to feel safe and secure and reconnected with each other and have that strong sense of belonging that students really, that makes a difference to students."

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