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Friday, 14 June 2024

Linn County set to enter Phase I of reopening plan

Credit: KEZI
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Linn County set to enter Phase I of reopening plan
Linn County set to enter Phase I of reopening plan

County Commissioners are preparing to balance getting back to work on resuscitating the economy while keeping the public safe.

Linn county commissioners have been hoping for a path to reopening their economy for some time and are eager to get going under phase 1 guidelines.

Kezi 9 news reporter andrew haubner joins us from albany to break down what's ahead as the county tries to rescusitate parts of its economy.

The linn county board of commissioners woke up slightly nervous this morning but were relieved when they found out their county was approved for phase i of the governors reopening plan.

Will tucker: i raced to work, got here a little early this morning, just to read the email.

And the email said we can open.

Of course this is all in the pursuit of an economy that was hit with a toxic shock that may take years to recover from as some businesses never will.

Will tucker: we had the chambers of albany and lebanon here two weeks ago and they estimate between them that 20-30 percent of their businesses will not recover.

Each business has to make a decision about can you open your business safely during this time?

Linn county has been out front in terms of pushing for the economy to reopen, but consumer confidence is as important as the open sign in a business window.

Will tucker: i would encourage the public to carefully evaluate the business you're going into.

Do you feel safe in that business.

Do not go into a place where you don't feel safe.

And the hope is that as long as businesses in the area as well as consumers adhere by proper hygiene and social distancing guidelines...things will move smoothly into phase ii.

Will tucker: if you're gonna be out, respect the others.

You're not wearing a mask for you.

You're wearing a mask for others and to protect others.

It will take three weeks of things like declining covid-19 prevalence, contact tracing, sufficient hospital beds and ppe to name a few to get there.

But the hope is one collective goal leads to keeping the curve flat but allowing businesses to possibly return as well.

In albany...andrew haubner...kezi 9 news.

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