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Sunday, 16 June 2024

Deferred Payments

Credit: KIMT
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Deferred Payments
Deferred Payments
You should consult a financial advisor to go over your current situation.

Many of us are focused on protecting our health during the pandemic.

But it's not the only focus we should have during this time.

Kimt news three's calyn thompson joins us now with some suggestions on maintaining a healthy financial situation, as well.


Live lowerthird2line talent coronavirus:calyn thompson coverage you can count on amy - it can be a daunting time for people who are out of work but still need to pay the bills.

It can also be overwhelming as you're going through your financial portfolio trying to figure out which options to pursue.

Nx fp multi line coronavirus:financial advice during pandemic kimt news 3 consult with experts, know your o ... i spoke with a financial adviser today who tells me the answer is different for everybody.

That's why she says you should consult with the experts so they know your individual situation and goals.

I'm told everyone should at least start with an emergency fund - which is three to six months of your income.

Before taking advantage of short-term opportunities... people need to be thinking of long-term deferred payments-live sot-1 so if it means not paying off the student loans or the mortgage right on time, just be real careful for what you have for you and your family set aside for living expenses, for necessary essentials.

Deferred payments-live sot-3 the cares act does make it easier for people to dip into 401 k's in the case of an emergency... but just remember that could have an impact on your long-term saving and when you can retire.

Live in rochester- calyn thompson-kimt news 3.

/ if you haven't already - now would be a good time to look at your spending and spend less if possible.

/ paralysis-intro-2 this pandemic and

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