The annual Stations of the Cross had limited attendance this year due to COVID-19 gathering guidelines, but News 25’s Toni Miles takes us behind the scenes as the faithful observed this year’s Stations of the Cross at noon today at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral in Biloxi and online.
- the annual stations of the cros- had limited - attendance this year due to - covid-19 gathering- guidelines, but news 25's toni- miles takes us behind-the-- scenes as the faithful observed- this year's stations- of the cross at noon today at - nativity of the blessed virgin- mary - or bvm - cathedral in- biloxi - and online.- - typically, on good friday, the- natvity bvm cathedral in- - - - biloxi would be packed with - parishoners as those of the - catholic faith go through the - stations of the cross, a 14-ste- devotion that commemorates jesu- christ's last day on- earth as a man more than 2,000- years ago.- <nats>- this year's gathering was - limited to less than 10 people- due to covid-19 gathering - restrictions, but its purpose - remains the same.
- the most reverend louis f.- kihneman, iii, biloxi bishop: " it's really us walking with - jesus through his passion and - death, and preparing for the- resurrection.
Each of - the stations marks one of the - special moments that's in holy- scripture about - what happened to jesus in his - passion and death."
Father dennis carver served as- presider of this year's station- - - - of the cross from the first - station when jesus christ was - condemned to death ...- - - - <nats>- to the 14th when jesus was laid- in the tomb after his - crucifixion.- <nats>- it's a time for the faithful to- pray and reflect on lent and- service - to others.- <nats>- biloxi bishop, the most reveren- louis f.
Kihneman, the third, - was on- hand for this year's- livestreamed devotion, along- with local catholic parishoner- juliana skelton,- and countless others of the - catholic faith who watched on - line.
- the most reverend louis f.- kihneman, iii, biloxi bishop: " we're respecting the shelter- in place.
We're trying to keep- our distance also with each - other.
We're trying to provide- through social media the social- and spiritual communion togethe- as a church."
Toni miles, news 25: " the faithful throughout the world - are observing stations- of the cross this good friday,- but this isn't the end of the - story.- the most reverend louis f.- kihneman, iii, biloxi bishop: " there is a 15th station - and - the 15th station is the - resurrection of jesus.
On good- friday we don't celebrate that- station, but we do for holy - saturday."
In biloxi, toni miles, news 25.- - - - - stations of the cross was - followed by veneration of - the cross at 3 pm this afternoo- at nativity bvm.- you can watch the holy saturday- vigil tomorrow at 7 - pm...and easter sunday mass thi- easter sunday at 11 am - both - events livestreamed on the- facebook page for the - biloxi diocese ... and on - instagram - just head on over t- instagram-at-k-i-h-n-e-m-a-...