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Tuesday, 11 June 2024

National Kidney Day

Credit: WTAT
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National Kidney Day
National Kidney Day
National Kidney Day

>> we're now joined, sorensen, i received his about a year and a month ago, and you have had yours a little more than him.

And i'm going to start with the question i asked him.

The coronavirus, it's on everybody's mind, everybody's list, and talking about it.

So are you -- [ audio difficulties ] >> i don't want to let the carry control my life, so i do take the precautions that kenneth is talking about.

The sanitation, and i d i don'tt to touch my case or my eyes much.

>> you have to stay hydrated and any other practices that you have to put in place?

>> i have an amazing wife that watches what i eat.

And sometimes she smacks the food right out of there.

>> and she's the reason why you have a kidney today.

Because of a facebook post she put out there, and it was serendipitous.

>> it fell on national donor day that we were not aware of.

And the story briefly, kidney disease is a silent killer.

I went in with random simms, and two days later, the doctor said you have stage 5 kidney disease.

My wife had lost her father two years prior to be on the liver transplant list, from that moment, she sprung into action.

She shared that post on valentine's day and it lot shared over 360 times overnight.

>> one in ten people have some form of chronic kidney disease, and you were stage five.

>> that's renal failure.

>> why yet no symptoms whatever.

>> healthy.

>> so does that run in your family.

>> i don't know a lot about my family history.

By greater passed from something similar.

>> how has your life changed that you have a new kidney?

>> i have a new life.

Spending time with my family, you know?

Ambassador for good.

>> absolutely.

>> advocating for kidneys.

>> so the post was shared thousands the of times, and someone comes forward and says they want to be your donor.

Did you meet them before the surgery?

>> we did.

And the hospital system, they tried their best to keep everyone separated.

But christie, the donor, said that she facebook stalked me to see who she was giving her kidney to.

And we were both going to be at the hospital the same day, texted back and forth.

And we were going to meet in the hallway.

It was an amazing moment.

And it was a beautiful time.

>> world kidney day, not just to celebrate those with a second chance at life.

But also those who have been given that chance, and we have not talked about it.

You had two gentlemen talking about their transplants, but pregnant women are also susceptible.

And we have graphics, but they're at a high-risk for renal failure as well.

And adverse pregnancies can increase the risk.

You may not have any history with your health.

But complications, it can cause more problems. so now you have the surgery, so tell us about christie.

She has one left and has life had changed much for her?

>> with christy.

She was out of the hospital within 24 hours.

And she's a bit under the weather or else she would be here with me today.

>> next time, and before next world kidney day.

Congratulations, and best of luck.

>> can i say one last thing?

I was just informed that there are over 100,000 people on the kidney list intentionally.

And every 14 minutes, someone is being added to the list check the

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