‘Super Snow Moon' to light up nighttime skies this weekend
‘Super Snow Moon' to light up nighttime skies this weekend

Stargazers around the world will be treated to a beautiful sight this weekend as a "Super Snow Moon" lights up the nighttime sky.

The moon will reach its peak between Saturday, Feb.

8, and Sunday, Feb.


According to Space.com, it will be officially full for observers on the East Coast of the U.S. on Feb.

9 at 2:33 a.m.

The “Super Snow Moon” derives part of its name from Native American tradition and part from astronomy.

Native American tribes in the northeast dubbed the second full moon of every winter a "Snow Moon" because of February's high annual average rate of snowfall.

Any full moon is dubbed a "supermoon" when it occurs at the same time the moon is within 90 percent of its perigee.

This positioning makes the moon appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than usual.

If you happen to miss out on this weekend’s “Super Snow Moon,” don’t fret, as more supermoons are to come.

They are the “Worm Moon" in March, the "Pink Moon" in April and the "Flower Moon" in May