missing person Braunton

missing person Braunton

Devon and Cornwall Police


Jonathan CURRY is 48 years old male missing from the Barnstaple area, he was last seen at approximately 2330hrs Sunday 29^th November at his home address by family, he was due to start a new job the following day Monday the 30^th of November, when family went to check on him at approximately 0530hrs he was not in his room and has not been seen since and he did not turn up for his new job.

He is usually an active person and would travel everywhere on foot, police are concerned for his welfare, he is known to visit the areas of Braunton, especially Braunton burrows, Saunton sands and Woolacombe as he is particularly fond of the coast line.
He was last seen wearing a blue anorak and blue jeans, if anyone has any information that would help the police could they contact 101 reference log 204 02/12/2020.

--- Note to readers: This message has been disseminated by Devon and Cornwall Police - please visit their official website for further information.

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