Assault, Barnstaple

Assault, Barnstaple

Devon and Cornwall Police


Police in Barnstaple are appealing for information after a man was assaulted while walking along Constitution Hill on Friday 16 October.

At around 3.15pm a man in his 40s was followed by another male, who proceeded to shout abuse at him, spit at him and punch him in the head.

The suspect is described as a while male in his mid-30s, 5’8” in height, of medium to stocky build, with a large crooked nose and a tattoo going down onto his right hand. He was wearing a black baseball cap with white letting, and dark blue jacket.

Police would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed this incident, or may have commercial or private CCTV or dashcam footage in the areas of Forches Avenue and Constitution Hill for the relevant time, which may have captured the incident.

Anyone with any information which could assist police enquiries is asked to phone 101 or email quoting crime reference CR/087593/20.

--- Note to readers: This message has been disseminated by Devon and Cornwall Police - please visit their official website for further information.

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