After London Share New Scorcher 'Operator'



It's a song about "embracing your weird side..."

*After London* are moving in their own lane.

Scorched post-punk layered in barbed electronics, their potent, heady brew is heavy on minimalist, drone-leaning guitars and piercing melodies.

Imaginative songwriting shot through with charred, black nastiness, After London's new single 'Operator' takes them to a fresh space.

An anthem for the outsiders, it's about "embracing your weird side," as vocalist Frank Ward puts it.

She says: "'OPERATOR' is about embracing your weird side. Put simply - don't let the judgement of others hold you back. It's a song for the weirdos... like us."

A mixture of sound and influences, After London use their stripped back chassis as a junction for all kinds of way-out sounds.

Frank Ward continues: "'OPERATOR' draws influence from lots of genres. We're a guitar band but we always want to push our sound. For example, we're big fans of electronic music. We started experimenting with synthesizers in our rehearsals and coming up with ideas and it naturally became part of our sound as well as a core element to our live show."

"Introducing sequencers and synthesizers brought a new dynamic and energy to OPERATOR. We've pushed Alex's violin further than we thought we could, too - running it through the weirdest pedals we can find to make it sound more intimidating than ever."

Tune in now.


Photo Credit: *Jessie Morgan*

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