Shane Simonsen: The End of Cheap Energy, is Mad Max Our Future?
Shane Simonsen: The End of Cheap Energy, is Mad Max Our Future?

Shane Simonsen discusses the energy crisis and how industrialization was built on the resource base of cheap coal and oil whose quality and quantity is depleting which will affect the complexity of modern society and exacerbate economic and political issues.

The elites are dealing with a changing resource base they're struggling to manage and they have a lot less power than we imagine.

The real power lays with global multinational corporations who have co-opted nations and political parties.

The loss of modern conveniences should see us move back to a more community-oriented setting.

We're headed into an era of techno-authoritarianism but at some point that technology will fail.

The real trouble is when elites start turning on each other.

The future of warfare and society could be biotechnological.