Christian Men Should Be Physically Strong w/Professional Strongman Matt Reynolds
Christian Men Should Be Physically Strong w/Professional Strongman Matt Reynolds

We live in an age of fast food, endless streaming services, and sedentary jobs.

As a result, American men have become physically weak.

Observing this fact has lead to many commentators on Christian twitter to push for men of Christ to get back into the gym and regain the discipline that comes from regular strength training.

In response to this, another group of commentators has come out in opposition to the first group and is sounding the alarm that desiring to be strong is idolatry.

We've talked before on this show about fat pastors and the dangers of lacking disciplines in important areas.

On this episode of Forge and Anvil Michael and I will be joined by Professional strongman and strength training guru, Matt Reynolds to discuss why we believe Christian men should aspire to be strong.