MZTV 1346: Theological Assumption Requires Two Gods: One For Good and Another For Evil
MZTV 1346: Theological Assumption Requires Two Gods: One For Good and Another For Evil

The baseline belief of most theologians (and almost all Christians) is eternal torment.

Thus, any rumination on the topic of evil is skewed from the start.

Rather than, "Let's see what the Bible has to say about evil," the thinking becomes, "We must distance God as far as we can from evil." The cattle prod herding so-called scholars in this direction is the necessity of relieving God of any responsibility for the eternal torture of His enemies.

"We can't make God responsible for this nightmare," goes the thinking, "so let's transfer the responsibility for salvation from divine shoulders to human hands.

If anyone goes to hell, it will then be his or her own stupid fault." The hundreds of verses disproving human free will?

"Never mind them," say the theologians.

"We'll sweep them under a rug the size of a football stadium and call it 'a mystery.'"