IGFP: Kaysan is still a b*tch as punk for calling people racists and nazi's.  F*CK him EP3
IGFP: Kaysan is still a b*tch as punk for calling people racists and nazi's. F*CK him EP3

I hopped on Kaysan's broad cast for first time ever and him and his pals were sitting around a camp fire, and all their avatars were black.

So, naturally as a joke I asked why's everyone around here black?

I got blocked same as you would on twitch.

Intolerant pricks.

So, I created this podcast to you can talk your best/worst fights in games ever.

You can ramble about what ever happened to you in another game.

Or we can 1v1 in any game cept a MMO cuz I'm not spending six months building up a toon just to do ONE 1v1.

And Kaysan is a bitch and can 1v1 anytime if he thinks I'm a racist/nazi.