The Resistance Seems To Being Placing A Crimp In The WEF Style
The Resistance Seems To Being Placing A Crimp In The WEF Style

We have all had to listen to the 21st Century Hitler, Klaus Schwab as he has been spewing forth his baby that he calls the Great Reset.

And like the authoritarian Hitler, Schwab doesn’t tell you what you might want to hear, he tell you the cold hard facts about his forthcoming regime, stating that you will have nothing and you will like that.

A resistance has continued to grow against this Jabba The Hutt looking character.

There is one question that has been raised in my curiosity about this situation.

That question is why Americans haven’t taken to the streets like they have in Europe?

Have we not learned the lesson taught to us over the past three years?

Do European people crave freedom more than Americans do?

What the heck is wrong with the freest people on Earth?

What will it take to piss off Americans enough to fight back the insidious slob from Germany?

Will we ever get the gonadal fortitude?