A World Wide Blood Bath A Nuclear War's Worst-Case Scenario Thermonuclear War
A World Wide Blood Bath A Nuclear War's Worst-Case Scenario Thermonuclear War

America is preparing for a nuclear conflict right now with Russia and China and Others as the government recently secretly raised the DEFCON alert in preparation for World War 3.

A nuclear holocaust, also known as a nuclear apocalypse, nuclear Armageddon, or atomic holocaust, is a theoretical scenario where the mass detonation of nuclear weapons causes globally widespread destruction and radioactive fallout.

Such a scenario envisages large parts of the Earth becoming uninhabitable due to the effects of nuclear warfare, potentially causing the collapse of civilization and, in the worst case, extinction of humanity and/or termination of all biological life on Earth.

In the 80 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has often come frighteningly close to all-out thermonuclear war – near-misses and accidents abound in the history of nuclear weapons.

What if the world does not remain this lucky?

As geopolitical tensions escalate around the world, and nuclear powers “modernize” their arsenals with new technologies, nuclear war appears more likely than ever — the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ clock is as close to “doomsday” as it has ever been.

What would the worst-case scenario, an all-out thermonuclear exchange, look like?

And how can the world’s nations and international organizations work together to prevent such a war from breaking out?