RUSSIAN LOSES: 17,000+ SOLDIERS, 650+Tanks, 1,900+ Armored Vehicles & Much More
RUSSIAN LOSES: 17,000+ SOLDIERS, 650+Tanks, 1,900+ Armored Vehicles & Much More

The Minister of Defence Oleksiy Reznikov provided some of the combat video here.

The Putin-Russian war is only about 6 weeks old and the Russian army is setting all kinds of freaking records, not good records either~!

The Putin-Russian war against Ukraine has been one total $*%& up from day one and continues to be one really total $#@( up.

Mother Russia has lost between 17,000 to 20,000 of her sons slaughtered in Putin's war on the Ukrainian people.

In just 6 weeks Putin has had more of Russia's sons, brothers and fathers butchered, slaughtered and killed than the US Military lost in 20 years fighting in the middle east~!