Professional Analyst Training Student Keynoting Practice by Jaska Van de Sompel of Naraya Fox
Professional Analyst Training Student Keynoting Practice by Jaska Van de Sompel of Naraya Fox

In this video, we are sharing an Analyst student practice keynoting session by Jaska Van de Sompel, 2/5 Wide Split Splenic Projector • RAX of Explanation (Form) • PLR DLL • LYD Guide • BG5 Student • Regenerative Culture & Economics Consultant: " I crash-landed on the planet in Belgium in 1995, and have had the serendipity to live internationally since childhood, experiencing a wide diversity of cultures, languages, philosophies, and agendas - as well as the complementary disorientation.

Human Design made its impact in my life in 2018.

I’ve been dedicated to experimenting with the system ever since, threw my idea of job prospects overboard, and followed the course of recognition and invitation gradually into professional development and practice."