A photographer has used every day objects to set up mini scenes using 2cm human figures to transport you on holiday - even if you can't leave your house.
David Gilliver, 41, sets up a backdrop and suspends a 3cm plane in front of it with fishing line to form the surreal photos.
David uses egg cartons and cotton wool to recreate mountains, and cauliflower as a blanket of fluffy clouds.
The photographer said: "This year I have spent most of my time creating a new series of artworks that explore the magic and beauty of our imagination.
"Due to the ongoing travel restrictions and a strong desire to just get on an aeroplane and fly away somewhere, "I felt strongly compelled to create a new series of macro photography that follows a 3cm aeroplane on a journey around our home.
"We are also desperate to see family members that are in France and on the Channel Island of Guernsey and so I think I made this work partly as an escape, and partly for cathartic reasons in response to not being able to travel so much at the moment." He named this photoset 'Gilliver's Travels' after the Jonathan Swift novel.
The majority of the photos were created in his home in Gartcosh, North Lanarkshire, with the help of his six-year-old daughter Léa.These videos were shot throughout January - April 2021.