How to Grow, Harvest, and Store Mint
How to Grow, Harvest, and Store Mint

Mint has many uses.And it's so easy to grow that it often takesover, which is why most people recommendgrowing the herb in a container.When you plant perennial mint, the herbwill die back in the fall and return springafter spring without being replanted.Keeping your plant watered is importantbut it will survive some forgetfulness.Mint is a low-maintenance option forindoor herb gardens—simply add soil,seeds, and water to your favorite pot.Make sure to keep your plant inan area that is partially shaded.Frequent pruning will help your mintgrow into a bushier, fuller plant.Harvest herbs like mint when theflower buds are just beginning toform but before they open.Store fresh-cut herbs in a water-filledglass, with a produce bag wrappedaround the top and tied in place