SCOTUS Passes on Challenge to Trump Admin's Controversial Census Bid
SCOTUS Passes on Challenge to Trump Admin's Controversial Census Bid

SCOTUS Passes on Challenge , to Trump Admin's Controversial Census Bid.

The Trump Administration memorandum seeks to exclude undocumented workers from the census count.

The U.S. Census is used to establish the number of congressional representatives for each state in the union.

The greater a state’s population, the more representatives that state is assigned in the U.S. House of Representatives.

435 total seats in the House are allocated among the states.

In its ruling, the Supreme Court “expressed no view” on the challenge, as it believes the dispute is “premature.”.

The challenge was created by several states and immigrant rights groups.

The three liberal justices on the Supreme Court had a dissenting opinion.

The decision is not an outright win for Trump, as it does not authorize the exclusion of undocumented workers from the census.

Supreme Court analysts referred to the ruling as a "mixed bag," in which "both the merits of the policy and whether it will actually be implemented" have yet to be decided