The Random Kristian Show: Puttin' On The Hits with Erin and Dylan of THE RINS #Ska #TalkShow
The Random Kristian Show: Puttin' On The Hits with Erin and Dylan of THE RINS #Ska #TalkShow

Our guests today might need to be introduced now but not for long!

Erin and Dylan of Ska Sensation - The Rins out of Boston are making a quick claim to their sound and bringing a great class and style back into ska similar to what The Interrupters have done and The Rins are bringing a sound with Power and Finesse and Style while making it all their own!

Their new release "Heavy Heart" is out and there is not one song that you don't want to hear!

We sample some and talk about music in the new age of Ska.

Plus, I sample something actually, hopefully, yummy.

We'll see.