Perish LiveScream Round 2 - Mind Games
Perish LiveScream Round 2 - Mind Games

Welcome back Fellow Gamers and Horror Fans, to the returning Perish LiveScream, otherwise known as the KICK 'UM BISHES Simulator.

I had an absolute ball playing this game last week, too much fun some might say, therefore we are reloaded for Round 2.

In a game of Spartan Knights (?) utterly wastin' undead bishes through the bowels of the afterlife with a six shooter (!), carving a warpath on my way to paradise, who would've thought that the biggest weapon in my arsenal would be a loaded Spartan Kick.

Watch along as I go up against the worst that the underworld has to throw my way: sorcerers, minotaurs, legionnaires, all with a mule kick that would make King Leonidas proud.

Don't skip leg day.

Come Hell or High Water, your Control Freak, Inkarnate is dead set on delivering a message to all challengers, DON'T SKIP LEG DAY.