"Mandatory Manliness, Retirement Age, Agenda 47" ft. Raw Egg Nationalist 3/13/24
"Mandatory Manliness, Retirement Age, Agenda 47" ft. Raw Egg Nationalist 3/13/24

Plenty to do tonight, I wanted to see what the audience feels about retirement age since Ben Shapiro has ruffle many a feather on the issue recently; but we're also going to have a general cultural review with our friend REN (Raw Egg Nationalist ( https://lnk.bio/RAWEGGNATIONALIST ).

We'll discuss his Man's World magazine and the necessity for cultural revival projects, but plenty of extras along the way: less people are scared of Hitler than ever before, and Trump's "Agenda 47" almost sounds like Heaven on Earth when a leftist cries about it.


Who knows what else we'll jam into this one!