#Tiwan diaries- Sky lantern festival, Mashemel travel
#Tiwan diaries- Sky lantern festival, Mashemel travel

Taiwan's Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival is a mesmerizing celebration of tradition and hope.

Held during the Lunar New Year, typically in February, thousands of colorful sky lanterns light up the night sky in Pingxi, New Taipei City.

Participants inscribe their wishes and dreams on these lanterns, believing that sending them skyward will bring good fortune, health, and happiness.

This cultural spectacle not only symbolizes hope but also fosters a sense of community as families and friends gather to release lanterns together.

The festival's charm extends to the historic town of Pingxi, where old train tracks and narrow streets evoke a sense of nostalgia.

As environmental concerns grow, efforts are made to use biodegradable lanterns and ensure a sustainable celebration