Is Republican Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy the New Donald Trump? | Tucker Carlson Returns | Ep 462
Is Republican Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy the New Donald Trump? | Tucker Carlson Returns | Ep 462

At 37 years old, Vivek Ramaswamy has become the youngest candidate to seek the American presidency since World War II.

The pharmaceutical and tech entrepreneur sits down with Jason to share his vision and why he believes he can take the America First movement farther than another Donald Trump administration would.

"I do think that in the presidency, we need an outsider.

I think I'm closer to Trump in 2015 than Trump [is] today because you only get to be an outsider once.

Trump isn't the same person that he was eight years ago." Royce White and T.J.

Moe join “Fearless” to discuss their takeaways on Vivek’s plan and policy ideas.

And Tucker Carlson is back.

The once most-watched host on cable news released his first “episode” post-Fox News on Twitter.

Jason, T.J., and Royce review the new, abbreviated rendition of Tucker’s show.