REVELATION REDPILL EP8: Connecting the Dots- Aleister Crowley, Scofield, Darby, & Dispensationalism
REVELATION REDPILL EP8: Connecting the Dots- Aleister Crowley, Scofield, Darby, & Dispensationalism

Of all the horrible ramifications of modern end times theory, the life story of self-described "the wickedest man in the world," Aleister Crowley has got to be one of the saddest & most diabolical.

Dispensational theology, which combines a rapture, 7 year tribulation, and separate promises for Jews & Gentiles, is a recent addition to apocalyptic church teaching.

It was created by John Nelson Darby and his Plymouth Brethren and is laid out in the Scofield Reference Bible.

One of the members and ministers in Darby's group that focused heavily on interpreting current events in light of the imminent return of Christ, was none other than Edward Crowley, Aleister Crowley's father.

Join us for another episode of Revelation Red Pill Wednesdays as we dive into the false teachings in the Scofield Bible and how Darby's Dispensationalism opens doors to the demonic realm.

Christ rules and reigns now and He is not about to give over His authority to anyone, and neither are we!