Weekend Edition: Where Is Your Faith?
Weekend Edition: Where Is Your Faith?

This weekend's podcast features a message that I preached in 2010 in St.

Louis, MO at Hope Church and is one of my personal favorite messages I have preached.

In Luke 8, Jesus and his disciples are on a boat out on the lake, when a great storm arose.

The disciples became terrified because they thought they were going to die.

While the storm was raging, Jesus was asleep.

As the story goes, they woke him and and even accused him of not a caring that they were going to die.

Jesus rebuked the storm and then asked his disciples a question.

That question is the title of this message.

Where Is Your Faith?

This message will encourage you today to always keep your eyes on Jesus and put your faith in Him and not in the ability of the storms of life to hurt you.