It Was a Bear Market Rally, After All
It Was a Bear Market Rally, After All

(9/1/22) Cheerleaders singing the praises of a bear market bottom, bullishness abounding, and high prices for equities were back...were wrong.

Turns out it was a bear market rally, after an assault on the 200-DMA failed.

Breaking the 50-DMA confirms the diagnosis of a bear market rally, indeed, as the same pattern we've seen for this year continues.

The markets' over-sold position provides an opportunity to rally.

Today will begin on a weaker footing, and September, remember, is typically a weaker trading month.

One silver lining--the volume in selling has been a little weaker than normal, which would be a sign of exhaustion by sellers.

We're suggesting using any rally at this point as an opportunity to reduce equity risk in portfolios, and raise a little capital.