He Said Let's Go Brandon to Biden Directly on Christmas Eve...
He Said Let's Go Brandon to Biden Directly on Christmas Eve...

Jared Schmeck and his family always call into the NORAD Santa tracker on Christmas Eve every year.

When he called this past December, he was told Jill Biden would be taking calls.

Jared said, “I thought it would be automated.

We just waited on hold and then they answered,” Joe and Jill Biden picked up his call and wished him and his family Christmas greetings.

But that's not what made his call with Jill and Joe go viral.

Jared said "Let's Go Brandon!" and the demented old fool Biden repeated it.

Hear the entire story and see behind the scenes video as Jared shares with John Di Lemme on the CBJ Real News Podcast Show what really happened when he said the popular phrase to old Joe.