The Rich Ruler's Remorse: Repentance Precedes Salvation
The Rich Ruler's Remorse: Repentance Precedes Salvation

The false gospel of "easy-believism" without repentance from sin is clearly refuted by the Lord Jesus in this story from Mark chapter 10, where Christ takes a very different approach than he did, for instance, with Nicodemus in John chapter 3.

And contrary to the abominable accusation typically made by Scofieldite dispensationalists that Christ preached a gospel of OT law and salvation by works, the reason the Lord told the young man in this story that came running to Him, that he must forsake all his riches to inherit eternal life, was to make it clear that until a man is brought to a point of repentance over his sin, he cannot be saved.

Good people (those that THINK they are good, like the rich young ruler) cannot inherit eternal life.

Until a man is brought to repentance - until he recognizes that he is a wretched sinner on his way to hell - he cannot come to Christ to be truly saved.

Repentance FROM SIN must precede true salvation.