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Friday, 14 June 2024

Together For Christmas

Credit: KQTV
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Together For Christmas
Together For Christmas

Riley Coe, a child actress stars in her first Christmas movie, overcoming all odds.

I c1 welcome back, together for christmas is a new tv movie which debuted last weekend.

I was lucky enough to be in a home audience to watch.

Joining me is riley from atlanta, georgia.

Riley is the newest child actor and is also my cousin.

It's so good to see you.


It's great to see you too.

So tell me what was it like filming a christmas movie?

I have been wanting to ask you this all week in l.a.

For your very first time.

It was amazing.

A great experience.

It was the best opportunity i ever had.

Everyone there was really incredible and made my job easy because i was really nervous and flying to l.a.

To do my first future length film was a really scary thought.

I'm glad i took the opportunity because if i didn't, i wouldn't have been able to experience what i did.

That's wonderful.

You look like you were having a lot of fun.

Let's take a look at a clip.

All these different people from all over following something bright.

Something that looks small but ended up changing our world forever when they spent that first christmas together.

Even when we're miles apart or even departed, that christmas spirit lives in us all.

All year long.

That's what we celebrate.

Being together for christmas.


So riley, i know as a close family member what you have been through with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

You're the over comer.

I was diagnosed when i was three.

Before that, it was probably very hard for my parents to know what was wrong with me.

I was constantly crying.

It was really hard.

And pretty painful but i think it did really help me become what i am today.

It taught me a lot.

It's taught me you can get over it.

If you keep fighting, it will get better.

You keep waiting and you will get out of the hospital.

It will take time but i'm glad i had the experience.

I wouldn't give it up.

That's so wonderful to hear.

Sometimes we go through things that are really difficult and we don't get to do things we always dreamed of doing.

You're a perfect example not only to my little girl but all little girls watching.

What is the dream?

I have been wanting to ask you.

What is the dream for your acting career going forward?

Really i just want to keep doing as much work as i can and take all the opportunities i can.

I want to see myself on the big screen one day.

Maybe direct something.

Who knows.

I just want to see where this takes me.

I'm sure whatever i end up doing, i will end up where i want to be.

We will be right there with you as a family.

We are so proud of you.

I know as a close family member you want everyone to see the movie.

It will air december 24th, christmas eve and christmas day on the ion network.

If you're interested in watching ms. riley and her debut, you can do it there.


Much love to you and we will talk to you real thank you so much.

Thank you.


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